Tuesday, 13 February 2007

...conveses matineres...

<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
has vist lu del fihserman¿¿¿
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
km te pasesssss

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
la mireia encara no sap k li he matat a la mujer cangrejo

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
li he enviat un mes dientli k he comes un assassinat
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
k miri al blog xD

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
aaaaaah pobraaaaa
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
comt e pases

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
si es ella la mujer cangrejo
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
ara ja no

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
weno mentres no sigui de l'operacion gamba...
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
k nomes s'aprofite el cos, la cara no vl res
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
sol pasar a molts tios ¬¬

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
aixo dona per fer un blog xD

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
va, dema fare un altre monstruito

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
gam bi
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
eee, k jo tinc la pepi la gamba
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
posai el xiste de: s'obre el telo i es veu una gamba amb una metralleta
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
titol d la peli: gambo
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
la imatge es pepi la gamba
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
te la presento
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
rosa, akesta es la pepi
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
dos petons no
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
collons ma punxat amb els bigotis
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
muaks muaks

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
depilat tia depilat

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
ara mateix mestik partint la caix jajajajja

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
jo tmb

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
i akt mono?

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
t'esta saludant
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
ola mono
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
k pelut ¬¬

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
k mono el mono
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
akt tp se depile
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
i l'* (no direm qui és xo es una profe cuyo nombre empieza por Aaaa) tmb s depila¿¿
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
es el chewaka
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
k es chewaka
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
el d star wars

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
u busco al google
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
sk jo star wars no me moleeee
I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa es algo molt peluuuuuuuuuuuut
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
weno sk l' * no va ni a l'esteticient ni a la pelu...
...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
x aixo porte unes arrels kilomètrikes i un bigoti punxent com agulles

...<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:

..<<[G3rM@N]>>... FisherMan 6/7 dice:
imaginatal am els pels jajajaja

I have built a treehouse I have built a treehouse Nobody can see us it's a you and me house RBL'T! dice:
tinc poooor

No comentaré res al respecte...


Anonymous said...

Rosa! Demano l'off de record i que ocultis la font xD Hauries d'haver posat les imatges i els iconos, perquè es perd el fil argumental i es pot mal interpretar. Ja te'ls enviare si vols i els poses pel mig xD

TonyinA said...

jajajaja, esteu piraaaaaaats!